i got to see this hunk of man last night. clay walker - the man who i have loved since i was 7. didn't get the meet and greet, like i was hoping for... but what do ya do? we got there early, and i could have stood right in front, but being the photographer and graphic designer i am... i wanted some great shots [not 'see up your nose' shots] & that i did.
my sister kept on making fun of me the whole time, with my camera in my hand... but that's what i do! that's how i capture memories by taking photo or video, or else i don't remember.
that helps my experience.
& last night was definitely an experience.
i didn't want to miss his free show, like how i missed colbie caillat's. i didn't tell you guys about that, did i? well.... i got there, got in... no sitting room.. at all. & then i waited for a friend who was coming from out of town, and she didn't make it in...
so needless to say, i wanted last night to be great... and it was, indeed. clay is the best performer.
so, i am in LOVE with colbie caillat's music. remember me talking about her a couple of posts ago? wellll, i found out that she is coming to perform at a bar here next week... and i am definitely SO there! i decided to buy her CD today off iTunes.. and i've seriously been listening to it non-stop since noon. words are already memorized. it's crazy!
my favorie songs already:
[ ] realize [ ] the little things [ ] magic [ ] feelings show [ ] bubbly
can't wait to see her next wednesday & i'lll know the words to her songs! yes.
i hope you all have a lovely saturday. i'm off to my grandma's birthday party and then trek across town to go to my friend's housewarming get-together shindig.
hello, blog buddies! [i've been catchin' up on the ross_blog.. so excuse that phrase] anyway, i just thought i'd take some time to share my random thoughts from today. sound good? okay.
so during a lunch break this week at work, all of us watched an episode of 'the office' on brad's laptop - i have to confess, and say that i had never seen a full episode of it, but i LOVED it! definitely impressed. [i am also in love with jim halpert.] the episode where he hid dwight's cell phone in the ceiling was making me roll! just the faces that he makes, i can't take it. he's too adorable. & this is a big step to admit for me, but i may just give up on my favorite [grey's anatomy] show on thursday and replace it with the office. i think i just may. besides, grey's seems to be just falling apart... and besides the crazy documentary filming that the office has, i think i may start to love it.
in other news, the new mae cd comes out on tuesday. as most of you know, i share my middle name with my favorite band. i'm not so sure if they're my favorite anymore. i took a listen to their new CD today, and i'm just not impressed. they got more 'rock' sounding, and i miss the days of their destination : beautiful. totally different sound from their new CD.
so, i've been on the hunt for trendy business casual clothes, that are still work appropiate but fit my style... & as i was looking through target's ad this morning, i think i found the perfect piece.
a jumper.
totally cute, right? definitely impressed. & i think i'd easily be able to dress this up with cute black pants and accesories... [although the place i work at doesn't allow 'dangly earrings'] we'll see. i haven't even tried one on yet, but it seems to be the 'it thing' for fall - as i was reading in my lucky magazine today.
so, has anyone seen the new design for the iMac? i am definitely not impressed. i hear they're trying to match it with the new iPhone, but i like my all white Apple products, thankyaverymuch. i hope my iMac doesn't stop working... 'cause i'm really not thrilled to get the new one. it's too 'industrial looking' for me. i really like the idea of the 'click-free' keyboard, though. but we'll have to see as time goes on how i feel about it.
it's been an interesting week. started my new job on monday, and i'm already learning so much! i've been driving around some pretty nice cars to photograph. i'm livin' in the fast lane this week, not really... more like granny lane! i've been so nervous to drive these cars that i'm scared to drive over 10 mph it seems like.
today, i kinda fell in love with the honda crv, though.
SO cute! it drives so nice, too. maybe i can live with my parents longer than i thought, so i can get one! oh, & by the way.... i took that photo... thank you very much. i also really like the mazda5's. it changes everyday, and i'm sure it will keep on being like that. i just can't believe i'm taking an interest in cars now! ;)
anyway, i've been listening to colbie caillat all night...such a beautiful voice. i can't decide which song i want on my myspace from her. her boyfriend, jason reeves, is also a very talented musician. mm... just love good music.
& i love the weekends. looking forward to spending some time with family and friends!
i'm just a twentysomething graphic designer who loves to capture the things i love in this life. i always type in lowercase. to some it may be annoying, but it's me... it's what i do. that's just me, and my visual love.