i know, i know. it's been a longgg time since my last entry - but life just got in the way! from a crashed server [losing pretty much all of our designs] at work, helping frinds plan their weddings, helping my church group with their new identity, things are crazy! but i'm lovin' it.
if you also want to hear some new music, check out hazel & vine. my friend from california recently introduced me to them - and they have been filling up my saturday afternoon! such refreshing music. i personally love 'january best friends'.
as i mentioned before, things have been crazy in the life of sarah lately. i have about 5 friends getting married this year, three of them within the span of two weeks! just pure craziness. i'm also taking wedding photos for one, which i've never done before, but i'm trying to have faith in myself. i've been digging inspiration from my friend cara and brad jensen. i'm so glad i have such creative people in my life. check out their websites underneath the 'blogs i heart' section.
aside from that, i have fallen in love with kurt halsey's artwork. when i get a place of my own, his work will definitely be up to get my inspiritation running. he just makes me want to fall in love! i ran across this one today, and it just tugged at me..
sarah.mae =)