i needed to get out of the house for awhile today... so my mom, sister, niece, & i went to some craft stores. we were in this what i thought 'overpriced' craft store and i wanted to find some good deals. so, down the street.. i found this cool, and what my sister called 'junky' antique store.
they had plates and cups (something like seen above) for only $1! i loved the neat graphics on some of them. the $1 tables had some pretty good finds, though. everything else was reasonably priced, and i could have had a hay day in there. thank God, i didn't bring my wallet.
i'm worried about when i really get gun-ho into this that i'll "junk" up my future apartment. but i really think you can find some neat jewels at smelly antique stores. i think this girl that does the 'life in color' blog is fantastic at finding great things at antique stores.. and the things she puts together at her house looks great! that's what i want my future apartment to look like. i want it to be unique, not junky.
& that's what i'm going to start doing. i'm going to start buying cheap, little things to put in a box in my basement for awhile... and whatever i don't like when i get an apartment, i can just get rid of again. i can't wait to start this new hobby, & i think my future [as in my job outlook] is looking good at the moment to finance it.
so, i'm going to keep praying, keep looking, and keep dreaming.
until i'm inspired again... ;) you have a great day.
currently listening to: till i see you - hillsong
Thanks for the shout out, I have so much fun finding stuff. And just remember when it comes to thrifting, you might not ever find the same thing twice! So pick it up while you can!
Thanks for writing this.
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